Lumineers® in Ann Arbor, MI

Providing Lumineers in Ann Arbor, MI

Traditional Veneers


A Porcelain veneer is a paper-thin, custom-made covering that conceals the front and side surfaces of your tooth, much like a mask or an artificial fingernail. But unlike a fingernail, veneers are made of a very durable ceramic material that actually strengthens your tooth. Veneers are versatile. They can correct dark colors, stains, breaks, and odd shapes, and they can lengthen individual teeth. During a two-step procedure separated by 1 to 3 weeks, your dentist first prepares one or more teeth, and then fits the veneer. A major benefit of veneers is tooth conservation: little enamel is removed in preparation for the restoration. Porcelain veneers, however, aren't ideal for people with severe bite problems or for those who grind their teeth - a habit that can break the veneer.

No Prep Lumineers® Veneers

Today due to advances in custom-designed veneers, some patients can opt for the no prep technique. In many cases there is absolutely no preparation of the teeth, and in some cases very minor adjustment of the tooth's enamel. What this means for you, if you are a viable candidate for this technique, is little or no drilling, no need for anesthesia, and the preservation of your original tooth structure. In fact, this technique is so unobtrusive to the tooth, that it can even be reversed with no damage.

Because the process is less invasive than with traditional veneers, Lumineers patients find that they immediately enjoy their new smiles without any post-procedure discomfort or sensitivity.

Cerinate®, the company that makes Lumineers, offers a ten-year warrantee on its veneers, and their clinical trials show that Lumineers can last up to 20 years.

Take control of your smile - ask us whether Lumineers are a good choice for you.

To learn more about Lumineers listen to our interviews with Drs. Seel and Wang that aired April 11th on the Smile Files or call our Ann Arbor dental office to schedule an appointment to inquire about Lumineers.

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