Food drives are common place in November and December during the holiday season, but here at Gentle Dental, we want to help our community whenever the opportunity arises. That's why we're working for the month of September in cooperation with Food Gatherers and Meijer’s to provide food for the families of Perry Nursery School!
Perry Nursery School is located directly behind us and we have worked through the years to be a good neighbor, so when one of our patients, who works for Food Gatherers, asked if we would support a fundraiser for their benefit, we were delighted to participate. You can pick up a food donation card in our office to drop off at Meijer’s with your monetary donation, the next time you shop. All proceeds collected by Meijer’s will be given to the families in need at Perry Nursery School.
Help build a brighter future for our community by making sure that children don’t go to school hungry! If that isn’t a reason to smile!